Located at the easternmost point of the archipelago, San Cristobal is one of the oldest islands with unique flora and fauna, where we viewed a great number of sea birds, including the three species of boobies: Nazca, red and blue footed boobies. Traveling and visiting Fernandina in the west to San Cristobal Island in the east was an expedition and a journey of discovery through time.

Today we landed on a green olivine beach. The volcanic scenery that we observed during our intense hike was spectacular.  The peaks of tuff cones high in the sky make this site very different from what we have already observed. Punta Pitt also has impressive scenery from up above – here we saw red footed boobies and blue footed boobies. All our senses became aware as we listened to our surroundings. Walking along the narrow trail that lead to the top, we observed mockingbirds, finches and some yellow warblers. On the top of the hill the view was impressive while along the trail blue footed boobies captivated our attention with their tameness and beauty. One of the best attractions was when we observed two lava lizards fighting and biting each other.  It was very impressive to observe how aggressive they can be, trying to bite each other’s tails and legs.

Later we repositioned and headed toward Kicker Rock, an impressive tuff formation standing massive above the shoreline. We circumnavigated as the sun was setting, remembering this is the place where we just snorkeled with Galápagos sharks, turtles, fish and friends. Our expedition is now over, but we are sure this place has changed many lives, a place which can never be fully described. We all finished this day tired, but happy with the best memories of incredible and innocent creatures that will remain in our hearts forever.