Today’s Amazon exploration brought us to one of the farthest points of the Ucayali River: The Pacaya River. This tributary is a mosaic of wildlife, and a comfortable skiff ride was the perfect way to begin exploration. A combination of snowy and great egrets were found along the edges of the stream. Horn screamers looked perfect for photo opportunities as they perched on top of the bushes. Large billed terns always looked ready to catch fish from the surface.

A mixture of cocoi herons, Jabiru wood storks, and neo-tropic cormorants painted the jungle with delightful wildlife. Hoatzins perched on the trees found by the riverside were among the biggest surprises we had during the morning. Perhaps the favorite of the activities happened once we reached the farthest point of exploration, we had a swimming activity inside a black water lake. A comfortable skiff ride gave us the opportunity to explore the riverside one last time, and on this occasion we had one of the most spectacular moments of the morning as we witnessed ten pairs of blue and yellow macaws feeding on the lower branches of a tree. 

Once back on board Delfin II, we started navigation to our next destination: Zapote River. A delightful skiff ride gave us the opportunity to approach nature along the riverside at Zapote. The symphony of nature made us listen to all bird callings that were produced from inside the rainforest. Once we were inside the heart of Zapote, we had one of the most remarkable surprises of all: paradise tanagers flying along with black fronted nunbirds, and red-capped cardinals. The presence of tall trees of different species, combined with the blue sky was the perfect decoration of an ancient amazon forest. 

Squirrel monkeys, black collared hawks, and different species of kingfishers, were only a part of nature´s displays of the afternoon activities. A visit to a nearby village was the perfect way to end our afternoon excursion. Souvenirs made out of natural forest materials were shown as part of the artistic skills of residents of the world´s largest tropical forest.

Our journey was over and we started heading back Delfin II. The sky splattered with grey clouds and pink colors was the sign that showed that tomorrow more nature awaits our arrival.