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Paul Vergara

Paul grew up on the island of Floreana, one of the earliest islands of the Galápagos to have been inhabited, and one of Charles Darwin's centers of research. But just because Floreana has a long history of human settlements, does not mean that growing up there was a very modern experience. In the 1970s, there was neither electricity nor cars on the island. Not only that, but Paul and the rest of the inhabitants had to use donkeys for transportation, preserving their fish and meat using salt from the sea.

Paul has also lived the opposite extreme, however.  When he finished his university studies he immediately landed a job as a systems engineer for IBM and he worked in mainland Ecuador for many years. Thanks to his job with IBM, Paul has been able to travel to many countries around the world, experiencing life as he could never have imagined when he was young.

While he enjoyed his travels and continental life, Paul always wanted to return to his roots and live again in the island paradise of the Galápagos. He moved back to the islands and his love and awe of the natural world of the Galápagos was quickly reignited. After studying with the Galápagos National Park Service, Paul has fulfilled his childhood dream — working as a licensed naturalist guide in the remarkable islands of the Galápagos.