After being fay away from the civilization we had our longest motoring last night to come back close to Nauta, the first town where we started our expedition. Last night it rained heavily, that was good for our expedition because the morning cleared up, starting chilly but then very warm. We are one more time ready to explore the wonders of the jungle, at six am we took our vehicles o exploration and wet all the way creek in; after few minutes of navigation we started to see the beauty of this place, few chestnut aracaris were resting on the canopy, later on, a toucan did a great performance singing high on a tree. They make a very distinguishable sound, what alerts our fearless guides the proximity of one. Scarlett macaws are “the jewel of the crown”, they are magical and majestic birds, the red yellow and blue color of their feathers in the upper part are bright metallic and shines with the minimum amount of light, there were a couple resting on a branch and stayed few minutes with us for our enjoyment. Red and green macaws and yellow and blue macaws constantly decorated the sky with their bright colors too. We returned to our ship very happy of having a great morning fully of surprises.

We had breakfast and navigated to our next destination, at the same time our expedition leader Cristian Moreno, explained to our guests everything concerning the departure day as the trip is arriving to its end. In the afternoon, we visited at four pm a very nice village in the jungle. The Upper Amazon is not only animals and plants, rivers, and rain - it is also people that have been living here since thousands of years ago trying to co-exist with Mother Nature. At the foot of the river, as soon as we disembarked, some enthusiastic musicians and dancing women welcome to us; They are very happy about our visit, they would have the opportunity to know people from other cultures, and they also can offer to the visitors their culture, how they live, how the see the world.

After this great experience with locals, and after supporting their economies purchasing some handicrafts they offered to our guests, we returned to our home. Captain headed back to Nauta, at night we enjoyed a slideshow to remember all these unforgettable moments we had at the jungle, a unique experience, memories that would stay forever in our minds and hearts.