Today we have woken up on the Northern Hemisphere after crossing the equatorial line at night and crossing to the north part of the Galapagos Islands, we have woken up on Genovesa Island. This island is bird paradise, everywhere you look you find birds flying, feeding, nesting, perching or just observing the passing humans. We started the day we an early kayaking outing and we continued the morning on Darwin Bay, a white sand biogenic beach surrounded by black lava rocks and mangroves. This is home to many species of birds and plants, for instance swallowed tailed gulls take advantage of the pieces of corals found on the beach and collect them to build their nests.

In the afternoon, we hiked up Prince Phillips and across Genovesa Island, along the hike, we encountered Nazca and Red-footed boobies so close you could see the details in their beautiful light blue bills and feathers. As we approached the last part of the trail, we looked for the short-eared owl, another beautiful bird found in this spectacular island.

This week have been a beautiful experience that have showed our guests who would the world be if we all live in harmony with nature with animals not being afraid of us.