Today onboard National Geographic Endeavour II we visited Genovesa Island, a horseshoe shaped island located in the northeastern region of the Galapagos archipelago. The isolation of this island has created the perfect conditions for sea birds, currently they are the most numerous inhabitants of the place. This island is certainty a bird paradise, we walk among hundreds of Nazca boobies, swallow tailed gulls, frigate birds and the very colorful red-footed boobies. The entire site is a nesting ground for all of its creatures. It was amazing to see all the red-footed boobies and Nazca boobies’ nests, eggs, and chicks just being taken care of by their parents. We also spotted a short ear owl -- this top predator was hunting a Galapagos petrel on the cliff. We patiently watched the hunting process until the owl got a prey and flew next to us to eat it. All these magnificent birds together with the very contrasting landscape make it one of the most fabulous places on earth. Today’s images will remain in our hearts for the rest of our lives. What a special way to end our expedition around this enchanted archipelago aboard National Geographic Endeavour II.