Today we woke up anchored next to a canal between Chinese Hat and James Islands. From here, we took our Zodiacs to explore the shoreline, keeping a watchful eye out for birds and marine life, while some of our guests went kayaking nearby. We afterward went deep water snorkeling, with the option of swimming from the same white sanded beach we earlier used for stretching and yoga class.

We sailed next to a flamingo lagoon inside a tuff crater known as Bainbridge as we made our way to Sullivan Bay of James Island to walk across lava formations. Pahoehoe or “rope lava” makes visually distinct designs as it cools. From this vantage, the iconic Pinnacle Rock of the Galapagos looks completely different from the usual east-to-west view.

The end of the day had us recounting over a dinner of barbecue aboard National Geographic Islander: another perfect day.