This morning we had it a little easier in the Amazon. It is incredible how quickly time passes when you’re having fun. It has been almost a week here in this remote and incredible place!


We woke up a little later at 6:30 a.m., breakfast at 7:00 and then explored by skiff, this time through the Zapote River. Some of us opted for exploring leisurely, under our own power by kayak.


The morning was overcast, temperatures were cooler, and the diffuse light was ideal for photography. The morning was full of more sightings, some new things, and several second chances for a better view or a better photograph of the many elusive animals that survive here by being masters in the art of camouflage and hiding from possible predators.


This morning we also had an opportunity to visit a small community of river people. It was very interesting to observe how people adapt to survive in such a harsh environment, especially at this time of the year when everything is flooded. There was water everywhere, and several small wooden homes and school above stilts, a flooded central plaza in the middle where people play soccer (called football here) in the dryer part of the year.


The friendly people of Zapote received us at a communal house where we had an opportunity to interact with them and see and buy some of the local crafts.


After lunch in afternoon we had our bartender show us how to elaborate the traditional beverage of Peru the Pisco sour and around 4:00 p.m. another round of skiff exploration to visit a wildlife rehabilitation center and the Iricahua Canal.


At the island where the rehabilitation is located we could more easily observe some of the animals of the Amazon, that are a little more habituated to human presence. A much easier alternative for any photographer that could have been a little frustrated with the very challenging conditions for photography, here in the Amazon.


In the evening of our last night here, we had a delicious farewell dinner and live music performed by the crew.


Time to pack and start thinking on going back home to reality and on all the things we saw and experienced here in this incredible place, a world of water and green, high precipitation and temperature, resourceful and friendly people.


And we saw it all in first class, aboard the Delfin II.