Last night, we sailed from the Marañón into the Ucayali River. Delfin II travelled through the night and tied up to a bank, to wake up at Yarapa. We had an optional wake up call at 5:30 a.m. to join our guides in an exploration of one of the caños, or channels, that are tributaries of the Ucayali River. The light was soft and warm, and we spotted a wide diversity of birds. Plum-throated cotingas, black fronted nunbirds, yellow headed caracaras, a wood stork, and many other birds were spotted today from our skiffs. Amazon pink river dolphins and grey river dolphins also showed up sporadically here and there, as they usually do.

After breakfast, we had a second outing, where we could choose between a skiff exploration and kayaking. What a pleasant experience it is to paddle along the narrow channels in complete silence!

Before lunch, our local guide, Denis, taught us about local fruits from the Amazon. He showed us seeds like yarina or better known as "vegetable ivory," macambo, aguaje and Brazil nuts. We got to try some of the fruits that are very exotic to us, like cocona, camu camu, and many others.

Siesta time was followed by our first swimming opportunity in the headwaters of the Amazon.

After a pleasant swim, we went back to our skiffs for further exploration through Clavero. We had more sightings of interesting wildlife like hoatzins, squirrel monkeys, pigmy marmosets and black collared hawks.