What a magical and scenic place to spend our morning kayaking!

Our guests, like professionals, slid into the kayaks from the expedition landing crafts, a very different way to start an adventure in this majestic fjord, Endicott Arm.

Later we had lot of intrepid explorers swimming in Alaskan waters, wow!!! The “Polar Plunge” definitely brings fun to all, even those who decided to watch from the ship (a warmer way to enjoy).

“Dining room doors are open”. Nobody will forget those magical words; because this is our objective – to give our guest the best experience, and this includes delicious meals, integrated within this remarkable trip.

Right after lunch our day continues cruising up Endicott Arm while geology gave us a better idea about what we saw today. It’s the result of years and years of transformations.

Surrounded by big, medium and little pieces of ice floating in the water, stunning in front of the ship was Dawes Glacier. The weather and the ice allowed us to get closer from the expedition landing crafts and we enjoyed the sound and greatness.

What a wonderful day full of surprises and new knowledge to share with our loved ones and friends.