On our last full day of exploring the Peruvian Upper Amazon, the jungle still had many surprises awaiting us. In the morning, we had a wonderful skiff ride along Supay Creek, which can be translated as Devil´s Creek. Here, we visited a local family whose kids happily introduced us to a sloth and a coati under their care. As we continued our exploration, we found three different species of raptors: a plumbeous kite, a slate hawk, and an aplomado hawk. We also spotted a couple of yellow-crowned parrots and a big troop of squirrel monkeys. Returning to the ship, our last wildlife encounter was with the pygmy marmoset and a pink dolphin. In the afternoon, our guests had the opportunity to visit the San José community, where we learned about local ways of life and shopped for interesting hand-made souvenirs. It has been a wonderful week with many great wildlife sightings possible during this time of year.