We crossed the Equatorial line last night, and today we woke up in the northern hemisphere inside the crater of Genovesa Island. These islands have birds flying above, nesting on cliffs, on the ground, and in the trees, diving in the water, mating, and dancing, there are birds everywhere you look!

In the morning, we visited Darwin Bay, a white sand beach where great frigate birds, red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, swallowed tailed gulls and other birds nest. The day was full of activities such as kayaking and snorkeling, and in the afternoon, for our last interaction with Galapagos wildlife, we took one last hike at Prince Phillips Steps.

As we walked along the trail, we had close interactions with beautiful Nazca boobies – some with their eggs, others with their chicks. We also saw a short-eared owl so close you could see each detail in its feathers. The Galapagos Islands have shown us once again that it is possible to coexist, and that we too are part of their world and therefore should conserve it and take care of it.