Early in the morning we disembarked on South Plaza Island, an amazing ecosystem where we witnessed many symbiotic relationships.  The presence of sea lions, marine iguanas, and Sally light-foot crabs on the shore line are a perfect example of how the different creatures cohabitate. The red and green Sesuvium, Opuntia prickly pear cactus, and tequila are extended varieties of lichens and make this island an incredible landscape.

We also spotted many sea birds which take advantage of the geology of this island, building their nests on the cliffs. We had the chance to see many Swallow-tailed gull pairs taking care of their chicks, probably one week old. Nazca boobies, terns, Red-billed tropic birds, Lava gulls, Frigate birds covered the landscape, as we tried to take in all of these amazing animals.

Later in the afternoon we went snorkeling on Santa Fe Island with sea lions and white tip sharks. Afterwards we went to look for the land iguana endemic to this island. Amazing Opuntia prickly pear cactus when very old turn their succulent leaves into a dry trunk to avoid the presence of this predator that will patiently wait underneath it for one of the leaves or a flower to fall on the ground to be able to eat it.

We ended our day on a beach surrounded by female and baby sea lions. It was the best way to end another day in paradise!