A cool breeze passed by National Geographic Sea Lion. After spending the night in the calm waters of Drake Bay in the Osa Peninsula, a lovely reddish sunrise was revealed to us. As the mist began to dissipate, the different colors of the forest began to appear. 

Our desire to go out and explore was satisfied as our expedition leader announced the first activity of the day. Just before breakfast, we went on our expedition landing craft to cruise around a small river known as Agujitas (Little Needlefish). The tide was at the perfect level to visit the river, as it can only be explored with the rising tide.  

Right at the entrance to the river, we were greeted by a family of yellow-crowned night herons. Close to them, a juvenile bare-throated tiger heron turned his face away from us since it was more important that it looked for its breakfast. With his spear-like beak he just stared at the current, waiting for a fish to pass by unaware of his presence. 

A troop of howler monkeys announced the area in which they were foraging. Mealy amazon parrots flew over our heads. King fishers were also found looking for their early meal. What a way to start a day! Birds singing, monkeys howling, and spectacular scenery just enchanted our visit to this river. 

Back on board, as we ate our breakfast, National Geographic Sea Lion repositioned in front of Caletas Beach. Three options were offered. While some decided to take long walks, others took the short and flatter one. Groups of guests decide not to dirty their shoes and they explored the area by horseback riding. Could it get any better? Getting to visit the forest without dirtying your shoes with mud? 

Back at the landing site, our galley had prepared a nutritious barbecue lunch. We all began to share what we had seen. Black hawks, boa constrictors, howler monkeys, and all the fun the horseback riders had had. The day was not over yet! 

Right after lunch we repositioned the vessel in front of Costa Rica’s southern most remote areas, Corcovado National Park. In this park, we divided in two groups. Some went to a gorgeous waterfall while the others looked for exotics birds and mammals on a flatter trail. 

After our adventure in this gorgeous place, nature decided to give us a grand farewell. We were granted with a beautiful complete rainbow—a perfect way to finish our day.