In 1513 the famous Spanish Vasco Nunez de Balboa decided to make an expedition where over 400 men between indigenous and Spanish walked the dense jungle in search of another sea, where the natives wore gold and houses were decorated with pearls, their women were beautiful and where friendship prevailed.

After walking for a long time more than 20 days, He saw the south sea, was so named by Balboa, and they get to the coast, the browser gets dressed as a knight and makes a ceremony where King Ferdinand discovery this sea.

But the idea was not there, had taken a boat unarmed, was assembled on site, and sailed for the Bay of Panama and discovered an island inhabited by natives were dressed in gold, and women wore pearls, the island was called the king island, now known as the Pearl Islands,

Just as the Spaniards, National Geographic Sea Lion, decided to explore the archipelago and we discovered Balloneta Island where we explored on our expedition landing crafts.  We could see varieties of birds like: American oystercatcher, willet, yellow crowned night-heron, magnificent frigate bird, brown pelicans, white egret, neotropical cormorant. One of the interesting elements we saw was the mangrove ecosystems and how they adjusted to life in salt water, this placed had a lot of volcanic rock but the mangrove adapted to that specific condition and grow up on top of the rock.

We set our station on a beautiful beach and stayed for three hours and enjoy this tropical paradise in the beautiful country of Panama.