Another day full of highlights at the Peruvian Amazon. Day after day our expedition leader keeps surprising us in a wonderful way.

This day our morning started with another skiff ride, lots of nature and wildlife as usual, but this time there was a special surprise for the morning, an outdoor breakfast was setup and this made a big difference – it’s not every day we get breakfast served in the middle of the Amazon at the “Jungle Café,” as they call it.

The morning continued with a couple of cultural activities on board the Delfin II, a cooking lesson to learn from the local cuisine and a presentation by our Naturalists about the Amazon’s indigenous tribe made us better understand this region in which we’re traveling and enjoying so much.

At 3:00 p.m. we all got ready to go out; another adventure was about to start in a remote area of the Pacaya River. This time in the Yanayacu Lagoon, a pristine place in the middle of this amazing jungle that literally invites everyone on the skiff to take a swim, and of course we all did.

During our ride back to the ship we all enjoyed another gorgeous sunset in the upper Amazon, one of those breathtaking moments that remind us how fortunate we are to be able to experience this beautiful natural event surrounded by nature.