We woke up and saw beautiful weather outside.

Another adventure waits, this time in the middle of the Galapagos archipelago.  After breakfast we are ready for the first activity of the day, which consisted of a Zodiac ride along the coast of Santiago Island and Chinese Island where sometimes penguins can be seen.  Other wonderful wildlife came our way as we rode in between the two islands.  Heron of all kinds and sizes along with marine iguanas and sea lions greeted us.

After this we went back onboard to change and get ready for snorkeling at the same place we visited earlier, so we were already familiar with the location. As soon as we entered the water we marveled at the exquisite underwater life of this site.

An unusual sighting was finding colorful fish of the tropics together with cold water fish and seeing penguins and reef sharks sharing the same habitat.  This was just an unbelievable outing!  The younger explorers enjoyed learning how to drive a Zodiac, which was a thrilling activity.

Later we navigated to Sullivan bay which is mostly fresh pahoehoe lava formed about 130 years ago.  This relatively new formation has allowed us to witness the process of the colonization of plants and animals. This lava has formed incredible shapes and it was so amazing to walk around such a unique location.  Lava lizards and lava cactus are among the very few living things that can sustain in this barren environment.

It was another incredible day in the Galapagos.