A famous Latin American song said “the grey sky it’s part of the scenery”, this is how we started our day at Caletas near Drake Bay in Costa Rica onboard the National Geographic Sea Lion.

We approached Caletas, and the owner of the private reservation just so happen to be waiting for us, and to help unload our expedition landing crafts on the beach.   We split into several groups, and had options to take a long hike, premises hike specifically focused on photography and improving camera skills.  There was also an option for guests to seek adventure by horseback riding, along the coast of this beautiful place.

During the long hike, we had a great opportunity to learn about the biodiversity of the rainforest of Costa Rica, and witness the different layers in the elevation of the trees from the area.

Osa Peninsula keeps four percent of biodiversity in the world, and when we visit the rainforest we had a wonderful opportunity to witness a lot of plant and wildlife.  We saw leaf cutter ants, several different species of birds.  After morning activities, hiking, horseback riding, and photo walks, lunch was served.  Our hotel department, created a beautiful picnic lunch with different types of salad, homemade bread, tropical fruits like watermelon, and for dessert a delicious brownies.

We returned back to National Geographic Sea Lion, and we repositioned to Corcovado National Park.  Our afternoon consisted of two different activities.  We could hike to a waterfall and had a chance to cool off and swim nearby.  There was another great opportunity to take the Pargo trail, with our photo instructor Jose Calvo.

During the waterfall hike, we spotted spider monkeys, high in the tree tops, an American crocodile, ringed kingfishers, immature yellow crowned-night heron, green kingfisher, red-capped manakin, and blue-crowned manakin.