In this part of the world, the International Date Line is a bit open for interpretation, so last night we “crossed it.”  Once again, it was November 26th, and I loved it, again!  We spent the entire day (whatever day it was) enjoying the stunning atoll of Manihiki in the northern Cook Islands. This is an isolated spot, with expensive flights once every two weeks and a supply boat every few months.

Early in the morning saw us being greeted with an incredible warm welcome at the largest settlement on the island.  Cold coconuts, brilliant flowers, an amazing rhythm section, and some wonderful dances were our beginning to this day.   We then set out to explore the village and learn about life at this atoll, and especially to understand the process of pearl farming.   We learned the finer details of how the pearls are cultivated, and even had to opportunity to purchase them direct from the farms.  From here, it was into the lagoon in the center of the atoll.   Many of us took to the water to see the lines that the pearl oysters are raised on.   We even got to pull some up, and they were opened and we “discovered” the pearls inside.  It was pretty cool to be able to see the entire process.

In the afternoon it was time to enjoy the reef outside of the atoll.   In the shallows, coral health was excellent, which means fish life was excellent.  The water was super warm and amazingly clear, with visibility easily over one hundred feet.   For me, the highlight was a massive school of convict tangs that were feasting en masse on patches of algae on the reef.  A cloud of fish pulsed as they battled the territorial fish whose farms they were raiding.   Another sign of a good healthy reef.

 I am so happy we got to enjoy a second November 26th, especially at Manihiki Atoll.  From the friendly people to the gorgeous underwater world to the postcard perfect lagoon filled with pearl oysters, Manihiki atoll is a very special place.   I would happily do it again!