By looking at the photo you will likely realize that we did a lot more today than just sail.  Yes, we are at sea today, on our way from the Southern Line Islands to the Tuamotus out here in the middle of the South Pacific.  We did all the normal “at sea” things including presentations, bird watching, napping, etc.  But, we are still all glowing from our visit to the Southern Line Islands of Flint and Millennium. 

I have spent many years in the water, exploring the ocean and especially the coral reef environment all over the globe.   I don’t think I have been anywhere with so many big, curious fish.   On both days, whether snorkeling or diving, we were constantly surrounded by fish that are rare or elusive in most places.  Gray reef sharks and black tip reef sharks were plain and simple everywhere.   My maximum count at one time was approaching fifty, and it was rare to look around and NOT see a shark.   As well, huge snapper were omnipresent.   Add to this humphead wrasse, manta ray, schools of parrotfish, barracuda, and jacks.  All of these fish, which are fished out of so many spots, here are abundant, curious, and healthy in this pristine world of the Southern Line Islands.

In addition, the coral is super healthy, thus giving us one of the best underwater experiences possible.  We had numerous people go for their first ever snorkel and they were able to see not only a shark (or many), but a stunning underwater world.    I am still aglow from all the memories, and the hours of video and hundreds of photos I shot.   I would go back right now if I could!   These islands are as pristine as anywhere in the world right now, and I hope that more places can return ecologically to be like the Southern Line Islands.