This was our first full day of expedition, and we already have experienced great encounters with unique wildlife and landscapes.  Early in the morning we visited Iquitos Caño, an area where we learnt about various bird and tree species. One of the several highlights of this outing was an up-close encounter with a capped heron, a wonderful looking bird. We also spotted a big troop of squirrel monkeys, of maybe 50 or more individuals.

We returned to Delfin II for breakfast, before heading back out to explore the Amazon Natural Park. This walk included a canopy walk that uses a series of hanging bridges built above the canopy and river, with astonishing views of the Amazon forest from a very special perspective. In the afternoon, the rain intensified, so we took this opportunity to learn about photography and implemented our first series of presentations, focusing on composition and visual storytelling with specific tips for the Amazon forest. For cocktail hour, we gathered and introduced all of the hardworking crew who make this voyage possible. Our expedition is off to a great start, and we are excited to keep exploring this awesome place.