Guests woke up to a beautiful Southeast Alaska morning. A light fog hugged the tallest Sitka spruce as perfect pastel colors filled the skies. The quiet tranquility that greeted early risers didn’t last long as we encountered our first whale activity shortly after in Chatham Strait. Early trip briefings were given a welcomed interruption when we saw cooperative feeding from a group of seven humpback whales. Feeding events were broken up by breaching events and breaching events were broken up by feeding events. A perfect introduction to the magic and beauty of Southeast Alaska.

After lunch, we anchored in Sitkoh Bay, where guests were able to kayak and enjoy interpretive hikes. The sun was high and the faces were smiling. But, my personal favorite of the day was watching a group of humpbacks engaging in cooperative feeding through the dining room windows while we enjoyed wonderful local halibut and a nice white wine at dinner.