A love day should start in a lovely way and there isn’t a better place than “Casa Orquideas” Botanical Gardens to enjoy our first day in Costa Rica. Bromeliads, ferns, gingers, heliconias and of course orchids were literally giving us a warm welcome to this little paradise. For the joy of all our guests, this botanical gardens has become a “must” stop for toucans, tanagers, macaws and many other birds. They amazed all of us with their beautiful colors, giving us the opportunity to get a first contact with the fauna of Costa Rica. 

“Time flies when you are having fun!” was a comment from one of our guest after spending over 3 hours at the Gardens. The day had to go on and we were ready to get one more delicious lunch on board National Geographic Sea Lion. 

After lunch, our ship was repositioned near the “Esquinas” River, the departure place for our Kayakers and DIB cruise ride. Kayakers were the first to depart followed by the DIBs cruisers. We were ready to visit this amazing mangrove ecosystem. As we got into the mangroves, the shorebirds got excited by our visit. Cameras and binoculars ready to photograph and identify all this beautiful birds, herons. Egrets, willets, white ibis and many more species made our spotted bird list longer and of course, that made us all happy. Just the perfect way to end the day!