Pavlov Harbor & Basket Bay

Wildness and magic: I experienced these two wonderful feelings today.

This morning a large group of us stood near a stream and watched several adolescent brown bears romp and run and catch salmon. When one of the bears turned and walked in the direction of our group, we retreated. The bear continued towards us; we continued to walk away. What a thrill to be so close to such wildness! We were in no danger, but we gave the bear healthy respect and caution. It was a real Alaskan experience.

In the afternoon we explored a cozy, hidden grotto in a corner of Basket Bay. Lush vegetation overflowed from steep rock walls at the edge of the forest. Enormous trees grew on top of the rock overhang, currants and devil’s club draped over its edge. As we entered the grotto, we ducked under the low, rock roof. Beyond the grotto, lush green hillsides were reminiscent of Hawaii. Salmon schooled beneath us. What an abundance of life! THIS is living. THIS is Alaska!