Genovesa Island

The Galápagos archipelago has a kind of magic that floats in the air. This hard-to-explain characteristic helps in a great way to make the wildest dreams real. Just talking briefly with our visitors you can realize how deep can be the impact that the natural beauty of this remote archipelago can imprint in them. Some cases are so intense and special that I will keep them forever as precious memories. Today I have a special one to tell you. One lady in our group, Elaine, came to this trip hoping to see a red-footed booby; this was her particular longstanding awaited dream.

In the morning during our walk we saw many of these colorful marine birds perching on trees or flying around the visitors’ site. It sounds great, doesn’t it? Just one problem, our dreamer did not see the red-footed boobies, she was a little sick in the morning. Obviously she was a bit sad and disappointed. In the afternoon she felt better and was eager to see them. At this time I want you to close your eyes and imagine seeing her face at the right moment, when she finally saw the booby. In the seconds I observed her I could not avoid thinking about the first time I saw so many wonderful things in Nature. I remembered for example the first time I saw my first penguins, the first time I snorkeled, the first time I had a bat, and I love them by the way, in my hands. Experiences like the one I had today just let you think how important it can be to help to realize a dream, the magic of the Galápagos has touched us once again!