Genovesa Island

We spent a great day on one of the most beautiful and pristine islands of the Galápagos archipelago. Genovesa Island is home to thousands of birds. Red-footed boobies and frigate birds are found everywhere. Some birds are nesting or are raising chicks already, like the Nazca booby shown in the picture of today. It is fascinating to observe these marine birds in their natural habitat, at such a very close range, and without them showing any fear or even concern about their human observers. Needless to say, the island is a real paradise for photography.

The intimate contact that we experience with the wilderness here is hard to explain; it goes beyond expectations. The exquisite combination of the colors of the surroundings enhances the beauty of the whole setting. Today the sky was very clear; a soft breeze was refreshing the warm atmosphere that the sun was spreading all over the island. We all enjoyed this day very much. For many of us, including me, the real highlight of the day were the young booby chicks. They are really adorable.