Bartolome and San Salvador Islands

Beauty is all around us, composed of many things, and never standing alone. Beauty is in the sunrise behind the highest peaks of Bartolome Island, it is in the basaltic lava rocks, crowned by a few Galapagos penguins. It is in the silence of the southern beach of Bartolome, visited by the trade winds, and eventually by white-tipped reef sharks. We had so much beauty this morning, exploring the island of amazing geology, and indescribable landscapes, Bartolome.

Beauty was with us in the afternoon as well. Snorkelers had amazing sightings of green sea turtles and sea lions. Those doing the walk had their quiet and private moments with tidal pool creatures and the fur seals of San Salvador Island.

Beauty is also in our hearts, after this fulfilling week in the Galapagos, where we have made new friends, where we have learned about new places and species. And the best is that we leave this beauty completely undisturbed, for the generations to come.