Ideal Cove & Petersburg

This morning the National Geographic Sea Lion dropped the hook off Mitkof Island in the serene surrounds of Frederick Sound and the temperate Tongass forest. Another calm and sun kissed day. Zodiacs were dropped from the lido deck as we prepared for the outing of the morning. Ship to shore we slipped on our Sitka sneakers (rubber boots) and headed for the emerald forest of Ideal cove. Departing on walks of varying lengths and speeds, we were all mesmerized by the layers and varying shades of green that make up the multistoried forest. On the ground floor huge skunk cabbage leaves absorbed scant rays through the thick canopy of hemlock and spruce, while devils club reached for the sky in light gaps caused by tree fall. While smoke penetrates the coast range coming from fires in BC, this wet wonderland is immune to the rare impact of lightning strikes, as the 100” of rain substantially soaks the earth, protecting it from the forces of fire. Wind on the other hand has left its mark and toppled trees precariously clinging to recently de-glaciated ground and thin soils thus created in the glacial wake. A little over a mile up the trail we reached the first of a series of lakes and soaked up the sun on a bridge overlooking forest, lake and meadow. Evidence of beaver was cause for pause and we could see a dam in the distance and chew marks on the boardwalk. Could they have created this lake once upon a time through their love of altering landscapes?

After lunch the ship tied up at a dock where we enjoyed some town time in the prosperous fishing community of Petersburg. Heading in different directions some of us went flight seeing over the Le Conte glacier, explored the roads of Petersburg by bike or ventured to Kupreanof Island to explore the unique environment of the peat bog (aka muskeg). Returning to the ship we looked forward to enjoying some of the bounty of the surrounding sea and Dungeness crab feast! Dinner was followed by a lunge-feeding humpback off the bow of the National Geographic Sea Lion and an orange moon brilliantly illuminated by the effects of fire over the range. What an amazing day of play in Southeast Alaska!!!!!!!!