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Elise Lockton

Elise’s passion for travel and interpretation is evident when you learn about the places she has chosen to live, work and travel. A degree in environmental studies introduced her to the world of interpreting nature, which has evolved into both a passion and profession.

Since 1993 Elise has worked as a naturalist-at-large in latitudes both north and south. Her naturalist career started in the jungles of Costa Rica, Peru and Ecuador working as resident naturalist at remote jungle lodges. In 1997 Elise found herself gravitating towards northern climes and started leading trips in Alaska, a place she has considered home ever since.

Beyond working in Alaska, both on land and sea, Elise’s experiences in northern latitudes have broadened to include: working as a member of expedition teams traveling the length of the Russian Far East coast from the volcanoes of Kamchatka to the Bering Strait; working in the Canadian Arctic and Svalbard archipelagos in search of the megafauna of the high arctic and leading polar bear trips in Churchill, Canada. In the southern latitudes she has also joined expeditions along the Antarctic Peninsula; the fjords of Chile and the beautiful islands and culture of French Polynesia. There is nothing she enjoys more than integrating biological, cultural and historical information and sharing that with intrepid travelers. When she is not working or traveling, Elise resides near the entrance of Denali National Park or the island of Kauai.