Ideal Cove and Petersburg, Mitkof Island

We began this day a little earlier to make the most of yet another sunny day. Some 'early bird' guests joined the morning stretching exercises on the upper deck at 6:30 am while the National Geographic Sea Bird cruised down Frederick Sound. Soon after breakfast the Zodiacs whisked the hikers to the Ideal Cove Trail at Miitkof Island. Rubber boots were not mandatory as these well maintained trails were made up of "plankwalk". A large group embarked on the aerobic hike of over 4 miles, which took us through the scenic muskegs and lakes. A more leisurely interpretative walk and moderate walk were also offered in the same area. A Zodiac ride was offered to those who wanted to explore the waters instead. During their exploration they found a family of river otters who scampered up the bank into the trees.

Just before lunch, our National Geographic expert, Flip Nicklin gave a photographic presentation titled "It’s O.K. to shoot people"; a great way to include family and fellow travelers in one’s photographic collection!

After lunch, we arrived at the fishing town of Petersburg. There were many options for the afternoon. Some guests took a flightseeing tour by floatplane over the surrounding wildlife areas and LeConte Glacier. Bicycles were available to those who wanted to explore the town. Those on foot had the opportunity to visit some local shops. The hardware store was a popular spot for fishing gear, gadgets and tools, the library for its wi-fi and the Marine Mammal Center. In addition, our staff led interpretive walks to Petersburg Creek over Alaskan “muskeg” and a "Dock walk" in the late afternoon.

All aboard at 6 pm, we sailed again with cocktail hour and evening recap in the lounge. For dinner, we enjoyed a Dungeness crab feast, fresh from the seafood market in Petersburg. Our dessert was interrupted by a whale sighting. We quickly filled up the bow of the ship, to enjoy an evening performance of a humpback whale throwing it’s tail around.