Floreana Island

This island has a lot to offer to our guests, which is why we begin our exploration just before sunrise and go until right after sunset.

Our first activity began with a wet landing on the leeward side of Punta Cormorant. We passed a brackish lagoon with halophyte plants, which means they are very tolerant to high concentrations of salt. The lagoon was very colorful with pink, green, and black, and to make it an even more interesting this view, a single flamingo was feeding on microscopic shrimp. Our final destination was the windward side to see the work left behind by Pacific green sea turtles, this time of the year they are very busy nesting on the Galápagos beaches.

We sailed for a short time to a satellite islet to continue our adventure. We took our Zodiacs to go around Champion Islet in order to look for the Floreana mockingbird and seabirds, as soon as we found them, we came back on board but not for siesta—to get ready for deep water snorkeling in the same location. The water was very pleasant and very clear as well. There we were swimming with thousands of colorful fish, sharks, rays, and playful Galápagos sea lions. The morning was very busy but with lots of great memories.

During the afternoon we sailed for over an hour to a different place on the same island. This is a famous bay know as Post Office Bay. This place was visited by whalers when they came to collect giant tortoises for food, and here they would drop correspondence in a wine barrel hoping that some other sailor would take them and hand deliver to their families in Europe.

We split into groups for the afternoon activities; some of us went to explore a lava tunnel, while others were exploring the same area on board our kayaks and some other by Zodiac. But everyone had the opportunity to visit the barrel; we dropped and collected postcards to keep alive this old tradition.