Seven Islands (Sur Oyane & Further North)

We awoke to sunshine bordered by linear Cumulo-Fractus clouds and the rocky shores of the Seven Islands rising out of shiny calm seas. These are the northernmost islands of the Svalbard Archipelago.

Our Zodiacs brought us to a walrus haul-out site where 20+ adult males were huddled together in a molting aggregation. This is the walrus equivalent of a cozy sauna, helping them to shed their old skin and renew their outer integument to prepare for the rigors of the abrasive life among the winter pack ice.

We continued north further than most ships travel, towards the ice which we sighted on the distant horizon. Following the ice edge, we sighted many Greenland harp seals, which feed on both Capelin and Arctic cod during the summer. Captain Skog finally made the decision to turn north into the pack ice and with thickening ice all around us, brought us to an all-time record for our ship’s Farthest North at 81° 37.89’ N latitude.