Española Island

So, we have come to the last full day of this trip. We can feel a sort of sadness expressed already among our guests. However, there is still a full day ahead of us! For the early raisers the pre–breakfast kayaking was stupendous. Easy paddle through almost windless conditions and the constant escort of young and curious sea lions were welcome as a good beginning.

The snorkeling session was also outstanding with a myriad of fish everywhere swimming in a delightful and translucent ocean, while at the beach we were constantly pestered by the irreverent Hood mockingbirds. All of this happened under the approval of the masters of the beach, the omnipresent sea lions.

At Punta Suarez, we experience the majesty and magnificence of nature displayed in the power of the ocean. The waves were huge; crashing against the rocks that in several places crossed over the trail. The blow hole, characterized by its power, made us tremble with reverie and humbleness. We were impressed by the flight of the albatrosses that mingled with Nazca boobies, and swallow-tailed gulls beleaguered the length of the cliff.

In few hours most of our guests will be reflecting about all they have seen and very likely assimilating not only the information, but what their attitude towards nature will be in the near future. If that is so, once again a Galápagos adventure has been successful.