A gray sky and turquoise sea welcomes us to Espanola Island. As we start our first full day of exploration, there is a curiosity and excitement in the air. In the crystalline water, we find a major biodiversity that is unique to the Galapagos Archipelago. As we swim among large schools of razor surgeonfish, spinster wrasse, and damselfish, we come upon a group of very young Galapagos sea lions.  Up until age two, Galapagos pups are very playful as they await their mothers’ return from foraging. They have time on their hands, which means we get to be their playmates, and it seems as if the pups will never tire as they blow bubbles at us, grab our fins, and swim loops around us.  This is an experience like no other, as we have direct contact with this unique wildlife that accepts us in their home. Later, some of us explore the coast by kayak, admiring the the large opuntia prickly pear cacti along the tall cliffs, and encountering Pacific green sea turtles raising their heads above the surface to breathe in the equatorial air. As we land at a blindingly white coralline sand beach, we are greeted by Española mockingbirds looking for their daily sustenance. Female Galapagos sea lions laze about after their continuous work to find food and process it for their young. An occasional frigatebird flies overhead, searching for food.  The morning is such a small taste of what this little world has to offer. As we return to our ship after witnessing the struggle for life, we prepare ourselves for the afternoon at Punta Suarez, which is a hotspot of wildlife here in the Galapagos.

Captain John Zurita navigates us with precision into the afternoon, where our activities begin with a visit to the western side of Española Island.  What awaits us is an incredible experience at one of the densest areas of wildlife in the Galapagos as we encounter waved Albatross, Nazca boobies, red-billed tropic birds, and lazing sea lions that line the coast. As the sun dips below the horizon and the light dissipates into the night, we realize that this environment is incomparable to anything on earth, and that we are lucky to witness the world that seems so distant from the busy lives that we lead back home.

Our expedition continues tomorrow, with more surprises and discoveries awaiting us.