Today was another first for National Geographic Explorer: a visit to Ellesmere Island. Not one of us had ever been here before. Our fearless expedition leader, Lisa Kelley, chose an excellent quote for today’s program by Sir Ernest Shackleton “I go exploring because I like it and it’s my job.”

Ellesmere Island is Canada’s third-largest island and it a place rarely visited by tourists. We woke up to blue skies and sunshine as we sailed closer to the island. After breakfast, National Geographic photographer Ralph Lee Hopkins gave a presentation about digital basics and gave us tips for photographing in the ice. Just at the end of his talk, we approached the narrow entrance of Nares Strait, with incredible scenery and all of the mountains were out so it was a photographer’s dream.

After lunch we had a chance to explore one of the beautiful fjord’s cut deep into Ellesmere Island in various ways. One option was to go for a hike ashore up a slightly steep slope for a fantastic look down on one of the glaciers. Several bearded seals were seen on the Zodiac cruises as they slowly maneuvered around the icebergs. There was also an opportunity to explore on our own by going kayaking in the wonderfully calm conditions.  

The chance to spend time in these remote places that not many people get to see is what our expeditions are all about. I think Sir Ernest might be jealous of us today!