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Justin Hofman

Justin’s love of the natural world started at an early age flipping through books on dangerous marine life. The striking photographs contained in those books are what captured his imagination and led Justin to pursue a life dedicated to exploring wild places. Using his collegiate education at University of California, Santa Cruz as an excuse to work on any research project possible, he hand-caught sharks and rays for tagging studies, learned how to handle adult blue sharks for implanting tracking devices, mastered the art of sneaking up on elephant seals for easy capture and a variety of other extracurricular activities.

During his years in Central California, Justin began to dive the legendary kelp forests of Monterey Bay where he was finally able to see first-hand Earth’s other world. Since then no water has been deemed too cold for a dive and he continues to explore new sites.  Justin’s deep desire to observe wild animals in wild places is matched only by his need to inspire others to care about the natural world. Knowing that not everything can be photographed, Justin obtained a graduate degree in scientific illustration from UC Santa Cruz and has used it as a major tool ever since.

He received his Photo Instructor certification in a multi-day training workshop. Developed and taught by National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions photographers, the workshop helped him develop additional insight and skills necessary to help you better understand your camera and the basics of composition — to better capture the moments at the heart of your expedition.