Rocked to sleep in the arms of the moving Timor Sea, we steamed up north towards Com, East Timor. After a nice sleep in, most of us awoke to a gentle rolling sea, a reminder that we had left the restful, rocky coast of the Kimberley behind. We enjoyed a lazy breakfast in the lovely sea breezes that freshened the air at the Outdoor Café.

After satisfying our morning nutritional needs we gathered in the lounge for what would be the beginning of a wonderfully entertaining complement of presentations from a passionate and learned line-up of naturalists –a great way to enjoy the passage!

Brent filled the lounge and gave us a great and fun Introduction to Birding, “Birding 101” to kick start the day. In a gentle way he explained why birding is such a great hobby and certainly made us aware that watching a bird on the wing is just a beautiful sight we are all able to enjoy, being a birder or not.

Adam Cropp followed with his presentation “The Exotica & Erotica of the Deep,” a fun and different look at the underwater world and the sex life of some fascinating marine critters. Adam certainly taught us a lot of new fun facts, which will have us looking at some marine animals in a very different light from now on...

After an enjoyable lunch, which was again excellently provided by our Restaurant and Galley Team, the Photo Team invited us in the lounge for an interactive question & answer session. Everyone interested in photography was able to bring their cameras as well as their images for review. It was a great workshop with lots of opportunities to learn and improve photography skills.

In the afternoon we had the unique opportunity to visit the galley. The galley tours guided by our Executive Chef Lothar were extremely popular – everyone wanted to see where all the great cuisine was being created! Most of us were amazed with the small spaces where this excellent and high quality food was made every day and appreciated the efforts the galley team puts into providing us with this fresh and delicious produce even more.

To finish off a great and relaxing but entertaining day at sea, we were presented with the preview of the video chronicle for this expedition. A wonderful visual presentation, which all reminded us of the great experiences we have all shared during this Kimberley voyage.