This lovely day began with an opportunity to enjoy a walk through the wild Amazonian jungle. The Amazon Natural Park is a huge private reserve, with some of the most pristine primary forest that can be found in this area—a perfect place full of giant trees and lots of wildlife.

We started our hike and immediately we encountered a multitude of lizards, little frogs and birds. This kind of experience, being surrounded with creatures and immersed in such remoteness, is only possible in this part of the world, the Peruvian Amazon. But more excitement awaited at this great location—we found a system of suspension bridges, a little surprise for our guest! These amazing bridges built at the treetops provide us with a totally new perspective of the rain forest, from above the canopy.

The day would not be complete without a skiff ride, and this time we were also able to offer our adventurers the opportunity to go kayaking. Monkeys, woodpeckers, toucans, and exuberant flora were the main topic of our naturalists on board our skiffs, and everyone had a lovely afternoon drifting along the rivers, searching for wildlife.

Time flies when you are having such fun, and soon it was time for all us to go back to our floating home, to keep navigating towards our next adventures.