Delfin II spent the night right at the mouth of the black water river Pucate. It had been a peaceful night when a flock of white-eye parakeet and tui parakeet decide to wake us up. They had also spent perched in a close by tree. We gathered out on deck to enjoy the melodies performed by these gorgeous parakeets.

Suddenly, all the parakeets took off and we decided to follow them. We all geared up and loaded the skiffs. Our destination was to explore the Yanayacu River. Locals from the villages established along the river bank were already on shore doing their laundry. It was a nice example of the harmony between nature and men.

One of the sightings on this cruise was the beautiful paradise tanager. It was in between a mixed flock, foraging. The lush green forest allowed us to enjoy many other species of birds along this river while pink dolphin were also playing next to our skiffs. What a morning!

Back on board, we all gathered on the outer deck to learn about the different tropical fruits of the Upper Amazon. This readied our appetites so we continued with a delicious Peruvian lunch. We needed to refuel our bodies since our afternoon activity was soon to begin.

By the end of our lunch, we had arrived to Amazon Natural Park. We rested a while as we enjoyed our Photo Instructor Jose’s tips on how to take better pictures in the Amazon. As soon as he finished, we geared up and loaded the skiff.

The Amazon Natural Park is a private park that holds in its land a spectacular mature forest and also several suspended bridges. We divided into groups and started to explore. To reach to the entrance of the trail, we crossed a tiny lake onboard our artisanal catamarans.

Our naturalist shared with us the different species of trees and medicinal shrubs. The walk over the bridges gave the opportunity to spot several birds that were gathering to sleep. The sun began to set in the park and new creatures began to show up. It was our opportunity to enjoy an evening walk. Crickets, frogs and night birds began to fill the air with their calls. We were able to experience the nightlife of the forest.

What a way to finish this day of exploration.