This morning we woke up for another beautiful pre-breakfast exploration on the Ucayali River, one of the many tributaries of the Amazon.

Our goal for the morning was happily quickly accomplished. We saw two species of macaws, red-bellied macaws and yellow and blue macaws, in the same order, the smallest and largest macaws in this area of the Amazon.

After returning to the Delfin II for another super breakfast, we eagerly got into the skiff to go out again and explore by foot the adjacent forest to the river. Again, success! Almost as if they where waiting for us, at the beginning of the trail where two groups of two different monkey species, squirrel monkeys and saddle-backed tamarins.

For the late afternoon we explored the Dorado River by skiff. As expected for this time of the year the water level was extremely low and the abundant fish of the high water season are trapped and concentrated. The Birds know this, and travel long distances for the feast. There where many herons, egrets, storks, cormorants, kingfishers, terns, vultures, hawks etc. actively filling up their bills and crops with the unfortunate trapped fish. It was a feast for our eyes as well. It is always a privilege to be able to witness the cycles of nature.

Aside from all the intense bird activity at el Dorado River we also added two more monkey species for the day highly intelligent tufted capuchins and the large red howler monkeys and several views of spectacled caimans.

We had a fabulous golden day at el Dorado, the famous name of the lost city of gold that Spanish conquistadors never found.