Guests onboard the National Geographic Endeavour II spent Christmas day exploring the terrestrial and marine worlds of Isabela Island. We began the day with an early morning hike through the dry forest of Urbina Bay. Giant tortoises greeted us upon arrival as they were moseying along the trail. Guests learned about giant tortoise evolutionary history and ecology, as well as their importance to the Galapagos archipelago. We took some time to appreciate the soundscape of this visitor site, quietly observing the calls of Darwin’s finches and the Galapagos mockingbird. We encountered several large, male terrestrial iguanas as well. Guests cooled off after our hike by taking a dip in the ocean before returning to the ship.

After lunch, guests had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, including kayaking, paddle boarding, and deep water snorkeling. Kayakers encountered a beautiful scalloped hammerhead shark as they paddled along the coastline of Tagus Cove. Deep-water snorkelers saw a variety of tropical fish species, including bluechin parrotfish, endemic blennies, and a juvenile white tip shark. We also encountered several green sea turtles that were grazing upon the abundant algal growth on the rocky reefs.

We ended the day with a fast-paced hike around the rim of a tuff cone, the center of which is home to Darwin Lake. This was an opportunity for guests to get some cardiovascular exercise and take in some breathtaking landscapes. The deep green and blue colors of Darwin Lake contrasted by a white, salty rim give it a unique look. Guests had an alternative option of taking a Zodiac ride around Tagus Cove to encounter some more of the unique wildlife found in this region of the Galapagos archipelago, such as the Galapagos penguin and flightless cormorant.

Guests enjoyed a special Christmas dinner with their families and new friends, followed by a musical performance given by one of our naturalists onboard, Christian Saa.