Today we woke up to the view of extensive lava flows surrounded by crystal clear waters and sandy bottoms. The morning expedition took place above and under water, in the breathtaking channel between Sombrero Chino Islet and Santiago Island. We kayaked, paddle boarded, went zodiac driving and lastly snorkeled with penguins, sharks, rays, sea lions and many fish. In the afternoon, we went looking for more penguins from the zodiacs and then hiking on one of the many lava flows of Santiago Island, the Sullivan Bay flow. This is the youngest lava flow on this island and dates back to the 1897, even though this flow is 120 years old there are only some pioneer plants such as lava cactus and mollugos. It will take many more years for the soil to be ready and other plants to establish and for wildlife to follow. The beauty of this flow reminds us how amazing nature is, being able to go from bare lava rock to beautiful green incense tree forests, just like it happens in the Galapagos Islands. We went back onboard having spent another stunning day in paradise with a spectacular sunset lighting our way back to the ship!