As we awoke in our beds, we could feel the change in the motion of our ship, signaling a change in weather. We were headed into a brisk north wind, with its associated waves and light rain as we cruised south in Chatham Straight. The National Geographic Sea Lion turned into Sitkoh Bay on the south side of Chichagof Island and we ventured past a once-thriving salmon cannery. Impressive snow-capped peaks towered above us in the distance.

After breakfast, we departed the vessel for the morning’s shore activities. Many of us hiked through the temperate rainforest on an old logging road, where we marveled at the lush vegetation, large trees, abundant birds, and blooming wildflowers. There were indications that bears had been nearby and some of us had a close-up look at a black-colored brown bear. The kayakers paddled around the bay as fish jumped and jellies pulsated nearby. There was even a red tide in the water caused by microscopic marine algae called dinoflagellates and plenty of lion’s mane jellies to be seen. A freshening wind and sunny weather sustained us and all activities seemed like the perfect thing to do during our last full day aboard the National Geographic Sea Lion.

Inflatable boat cruises were arranged after lunch, and the younger crowd received expedition landing craft driving lessons on the water. Later, we raised anchor and began cruising along Chatham and Peril Straits, looking for marine mammals and other items of interest. The weather was windy but clear and warm, so everyone enjoyed time lounging on deck. Chatham Strait is a fault-controlled linear fjord, one of the largest in the world, with evidence of at least 120 miles of offset between rocks on either side of the fault. The direction of offset is to the right, just like the San Andreas Fault in California.

After Captain’s Farewell Dinner, we continued searching for wildlife in Peril Strait. Later, we made our way into Sergius Narrows toward Sitka. During the long sunset in the narrow passageway, we all reflected on the wonderful experiences we shared together during this week of adventures in Alaska. Emotions flowed strongly as we bid this great land one last farewell—at least for now.