We navigated all night as we crossed open water between Isabela and Santiago Islands. Captain Jaramillo had our boson drop the ship’s anchor off Espumilla Beach just before dawn and by then the winds were picking up. We decided to go ahead with our kayak outing and I warned the guests that they might actually be “sailing.” Boy did I ever speak the truth! Led by Enrique, they sped along with the winds behind them at the base of the dramatic cliffs of Buccaneer Cove and, although by the time they got back to the ship they were all totally drenched, everyone had a smile on his or her face!

Fabian took a group of hikers along a path behind the mangroves, through an enchanted forest and up a windy trail that climbed among Palo Santo trees. They set a good pace and were – like the kayakers – more than ready to dig into the buffet breakfast when they returned. Clare got her own personal beach walk with naturalist Pato and they watched blue footed boobies diving and ghost crabs scurrying along the sand.

After breakfast we offered Zodiac rides or snorkeling and had two Zodiacs dedicated to each activity. From the Zodiacs we admired the weather beaten cliffs and the sea lions and sea birds on and below them, and we were quite impressed when a cactus blew off the cliff in the strong winds! One group of guests spotted a couple hammerheads as they returned to the ship.

Those who chose to go snorkeling had a very nice swim in deep, clear water. We entered a cave and swam with colorful fish, sharks and an eagle ray. The water was warmer than it had been to the west, and we were nicely protected behind a rocky point, out of the screaming winds.

In the early afternoon I offered an extra snorkeling and beach visit and we disembarked on a black sand beach at Puerto Egas. The tide was low and we thoroughly enjoyed swimming, snorkeling, building in the sand and watching the sea lions come in from fishing to rest on the warm dark beach. Just off shore pelicans dove on schools of sardines and noddy terns, hoping to steal a fish, landed on their heads. Most of us headed off on a nature hike along the beautiful coast. We discovered fur seals swimming in the grottos and sea birds, iguanas and the brilliant red Sally light foot crabs along the black lava shores. As the sun set behind the volcanoes of Isabela Island to the west we headed back to the ship in the Zodiacs. It had been yet another incredible day in Las Islas Encantadas Galapagos!