We’ve had amazing and exciting moments while exploring west Isabela and Fernandina Islands. Today we are in the very center of the Galapagos and we are ready for more adventure and discovery.     

The National Geographic Islander anchored at Academy Bay off Santa Cruz Island. We visited the Charles Darwin Research Station as part of the morning program and we spent time at the breeding center. Later on we viewed giant tortoises that are currently part of research programs. This visit is an opportunity to learn about the different strategies of the conservation work carried out by the Galapagos National Park Service and the Charles Darwin Research Station.

Some of the tortoises at the breeding center are tiny babies born here as part of the restoration programs. Eventually all these little creatures will be repatriated to the islands they come from.  

Once we ended our visit at the research center, we explored Puerto Ayora. This is a little vibrant town with art galleries, restaurant and shops. One of the attractions here is the fishermen’s dock. It is full of activity and a great opportunity to see frigate birds, pelicans and sea lions.

In the late morning we boarded buses to explore the misty forest of Santa Cruz. Here, the highlights are the Galápagos giant tortoises. These large, gentle reptiles have made a great come back since conservation work started.

The highlands of Santa Cruz are green all year round.  This verdant landscape is home to many of the endemic species that inhabit the Galapagos archipelago, such as Darwin’s finches, mocking birds, pintail ducks and giant tortoises.  The landscape is dotted with these giant reptiles.  You can see them everywhere!