Another day in paradise! The whole day was dedicated to the most emblematic animal species of the Galápagos Islands, the wonderful giant tortoises. We spent the morning learning about one of the most successful conservation projects run by the Galapagos National Park Service, the captive breeding and release program of the giant tortoises of the Galapagos. For several decades already titanic efforts have been done in order to save the giant tortoises from extinction and to recover vanishing populations.  

One remarkable example of conservation is the case of the Española giant tortoises. There were only twelve females and two males surviving in the wild of this threatened subspecies. These individuals had zero breeding success for many years due to their low population density. In the late 1960s they were taken to the breeding center to begin a long and successful repatriation program. Some years later a male of the same kind was unbelievably found in the San Diego Zoo.  He joined the small group very successfully, becoming the proud father of hundreds of new baby tortoises that have since been repopulating Española. This famous tortoise, aptly named “Super” Diego, has gained fame through the years and is considered a symbol for conservation, like the late Lonesome George. 

After this enlightening visit, we spent some time exploring the town of Puerto Ayora. This town, capital of Santa Cruz Island and largest human settlement of this enchanted archipelago, was at its best today. Many souvenir shops, cafes and ice cream parlors are the perfect locations to meet and greet the local inhabitants.  After visiting a sugar cane press in the highlands where we learned how some locals make a living cultivating coffee and sugar cane, we went to have lunch.  

Lunch took place in a paradisiacal location, “Aquelarre Restaurant” surrounded by tall trees and greenery. After lunch we explored the Galápagos highlands looking to observe the giant tortoises in their natural habitat. It was amazing to find so many of these reptiles roaming free in the wild. 

In the evening, as a golden finale, we had a party with energetic music played by a local band that came onboard, accompanied by beautiful dancers.