We are back in the central part of the archipelago, at an island that is close to our hearts, San Salvador. Our first landing is early in the morning, and it feels good to land with the first rays of light, with pleasant air temperatures and calm winds. The animals of Espumilla bay were just waking up and fresh turtle tracks could be seen on the beach. We knew turtles had been there hours, maybe only minutes ago, and that later in the day the tide would erase any evidence of their journey. The sea, the winds, they will wipe away our evidence on this planet. Why bother leaving our mark behind when it would only be a minuscule testimony soon forgotten. However, what is really meaningful and important is to never overlook that we are alive. We should breathe every minute as if it’s our last, or even better, our first.

After breakfast we jumped in the water for close encounters with fish, sea lions and sharks. Many guests explored the underwater realm from the glass bottom boat, while others kayaked along the walls of Buccaneer’s cove.

In the afternoon we swam and snorkeled one more time, at Puerto Egas, and in the late afternoon, with the sun setting behind Isabela, we spent time on the beach with sea lions, fur sea lions, mockingbirds and marine iguanas. We have been so much alive today!