As we woke up this morning we were already underway to our next destination. After a delicious breakfast we visited the village of San Gorge.


It is very important not to forget the human part of the Amazon. It is a must to pay a visit to the local people, and get to see how they thrive is this very harsh environment, especially at this time when the river is much higher and almost everything is flooded.


The people of San Gorge have managed to find a privileged location that is higher above the water. We were very pleasantly surprised to observe that even though their lives are very basic in terms of material possessions, they looked quite healthy and happy. As we landed from the skiffs early in the morning, it was interesting to watch how the children were pulled into the homes by their mothers and then quickly popped out again, hair combed and all dress up with colorful clean clothes. This speaks highly of these people, because it shows that they take good care of their children, and take great pride on how their children look to us, the visitors to their town. We visited the school, and had some talks by the representatives of the community. We enjoyed how organized the community is and their friendliness towards us.


Later, after returning to our ship for lunch, the Delfin II continued navigating farther along the river to reach the official beginning of the Amazon, which we met with a toast of pisco sour.


In the afternoon, after a short rest, some of us departed for a refreshing swim in the Amazon waters and then returned to the ship just in time to depart again for another skiff ride into the forest.


The afternoon skiff ride was very productive again. We had great views of the always-active squirrel monkeys and the iconic pink dolphins, teasing us by constantly and loudly blowing air at water’s surface. Perfect ending for a perfect day.