Our day started with a skiff ride and a gorgeous sunrise, which gave us the chance to do some wonderful birdwatching. We spotted cotingas, white-wing swallows and various species of hawks. We came back onboard for breakfast, and later headed out on our skiffs again, this time to visit San Jorge Community. Here we had the chance to learn about this small river community and their way of living. It was also the opportunity to meet with a group of women leaders that have been engaged with Minga Peru on a series of sustainable development projects. To end up our morning, we had a presentation about iPhone photography.

After lunch, we explored Clavero Lake, where the highlight was an intimate encounter with a small group of wooly monkeys which came very close to our skiffs. We also spotted several species of toucans, woodpeckers, swallows, cardinals, kingfishers and hawks. It was a wonderful day in the Upper Amazon, allowing us the chance to witness the wonderful biodiversity of this beautiful region of our planet.