Our second day at San Ignacio Lagoon began with a breeze and a welcome sun. We returned into the mouth of the broad lagoon to search for gray whales from our inflatable boats. Again, today, we were greeted with plenty of whales and lots of wonderful behaviors -- breaches, spy-hopping, and tail splashes -- as we began our morning exploration. Many whales came to investigate our boats and our outstretched hands. Enormous mother whales swam back and forth beneath our boats, as their rambunctious calves flopped over top of their moms, and eagerly rubbed against our boat’s pontoons, rolling onto their backs and spinning beneath us in the swirling tides. Often they would disappear beneath the murky waters, rising again to the surface to surprise us with their repeated enthusiastic attentions. There was plenty of whale petting, and some wet kisses laid upon their squishy and salty snouts by an exuberant few. As we departed our eager new friends, some of the youngsters jumped and splashed, following us as if to protest the departure of their favorite play toys. All in all it was an astounding and delightful experience sharing these mysterious waters with these peaceful great creatures that seemed to welcome our presence.


During the afternoon we began heading back southward in relatively gentle following seas. Rikki Swenson gave a presentation that laid the foundations for “Photo Essentials and the World of Digital.” Later, Pete Pederson’s presentation gave us a deeper and richer understanding about the world of gray whales. After dinner, Gretchen Pederson gave presentation with stories, called “The Winter Hexagon and the Orion Sky,” orienting us to current night sky here in Baja California. We ended this spectacular day sailing across this thin veil of our world that exists between the mysteries of the deep ocean beneath us, and the vast heavens that continually spin above.